Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bows, Bents, and Video

Today at the shop, the majority worked on creating the shed, in which the Virginia will be constructed.  They made bows, which are within the frames of most buildings.  Two bows will make a bent, and many bents make up the shed’s frame.  Three bows were made today, meaning we have a total of two bents.  Two other students worked on taping together bundles, which makes the wood organized better.  Lastly, the group in which I participated screwed together sawhorses to make a table, so we don’t need to use the tables with a year, or more, of water damage.

Watch Miracle's slideshow on the Making of Bows.

The piece of history I will share is part fact and part theory.  The fact is that the map of Ft. St. George was found in the archives of the Spanish, while the theory is that the Spanish Empire had a spy within the colony, who then brought back a map of the colony.  This is most likely so that they could decide whether or not to invade the colony and take their resources.
Blog Post by Wesley Blum

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